It’s fair to say that the police don’t always arrive in a timely manner to the scene of an accident, so what should you do in the meantime?

It’s fair to say that the police don’t always arrive in a timely manner to the scene of an accident, so what should you do in the meantime? Take PICTURES….of everything. While exchanging information, take a picture of the other driver’s license and insurance card while taking shots of the accident itself.

In tough economic times, insurance fraud increases and the information you’re being given by the other person involved in the accident may not always be on the up and up.

If someone hands you an insurance card, first check to see the name matches the driver’s license and that the effective dates are current. Then use your handy, dandy phone to Google the Insurance Company listed on the card, hit the 1.800 number… and report the claim then and there. Then have the Insurance Claims Rep also speak with the other person involved in the accident. If the driver doesn’t match the Named Insured on the policy, no worries, they can still track down the policy owner. This way, even if the police don’t show, you’re still documented.

…and for Heaven’s Sake, this is not the time to play Mr. Nice Guy and accept someone’s offer to “not turn it in to the insurance company…I’ll pay you myself”, because in my experience, 9 times out of 10 you won’t get paid.